ANIMAL had their 6th issue release party last night. Rar! I mean, meep meep. I glommed into the back of some VIP group and got exclusive access to the back VIP room. The main difference was that its free drink lines were shorter but the drinks were smaller. Hipstery, artsyesque, urban-lifestyle influenced people gathered in small clumps. Established underground hiphop hits blared, repeatedly peaking the sound system. Now Corporation owner Owen Plotkin strolled around with a quietly pleased look on his face. Gawker's Jessica Coen went unseen, despite her prominent placement on the invitation flyer. Overall there floated a palatable air that not only did something needed to happen, it wasn't going to. "What are you supposed to do at a party like this?" asked my out-of-town (and therefore, more objective) friend. On the subway platform a lad whose fake id didn't get him in asked about the party, wanting to know if it was cool, asking "Were there a lot of emerging artists there?" Yes, there were! They flooded the room, making cardboard sculptures and graffing the ceiling and vid art on their glasses, emerging out of the floor, the walls, the coat rack, like ether from the free Bacardi...there were just so many emerging artists! A classic New York Cinderella story.
UPDATE: "i was too!" protests Jessica Coen via email. That must've happened sometime after I got bored and left?
UPDATE2: Bucky Turco, ANIMAL head honcho, writes, "That is one of the funniest recaps of one of our events. Well done. And for the record, although I did witness firsthand Choire Sicha going to get Jessica Coen out front, I did not officially see her in the venue, laf." Evidently mockery is the sincerest form of flattery. Furthermore, beyond a series of convenient coincidences and hearsay, we still have no actual proof of Jessica's appearance.