Via Adpulp, in the category of "if only it were true" comes the following tale: "Allegations of flirtatiousness and promiscuity with a male passenger
are just some of the accusations being levelled at Lynxjet “Mostess”
Lola Allegra. It is alleged that in September of this year, Miss Allegra had
invited a male passenger, Mr. Michael Williams into the on board spa
bath with her and a co-worker. Mr. Williams, after accepting the young
lady’s proposition, then experienced a mild heart attack and is now
suing the airline. We managed to track down the embattled airline staff member who
seemed in surprisingly good spirits and was dealing with the situation
with “a broad grin”. “Look, I was just doing my job. It’s no different from any other
flight,” she said. ”I liked Mr. Williams and I think, if he hadn’t got
sick, he would have enjoyed the fullness of our in-flight hospitality.“ Miss Allegra lists her hobbies as clubbing, boogie boarding and the study of Victorian poetry between the years 1863 and 1895." To see what the legal pillowfight is all about, check out this promotional video.