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Didn't anyone tell you that it's rude to break up over the internet-


Ben Popken

Thank you, Nick and for all you anonymous Gawker proponents: those who throw stones should live in glass houses.

Nick Douglas

Commenting dudes, it is all in good humor. Let the blog man do his thing.

Ben Popken

Point of fact, Jmc, The Spunker is ignoring Gawker and has removed it from its blogroll. Gawker tried to entreat us back by linking to this post and offering us comment privileges (which we already had (Screenhead will always be true)), but our affections aren't bought that easily.


*Cry cry cry*

Poor widdle ickums! Is you get all ignored by the bigger boys in de playgwound?

Ben Popken

The Spunker is not mad that people gawk the Gawker. Reread the post and you'll discover that's not what it's about.


Don't get mad at another blogger because people actually pay attention to them. At least you need no particular talent or experience to write the kind of shit thrown up on gawker, though I see no evidence of any advertising experience on your part.

Ben Popken

Because we were working on building something. Something now spurned, black and pokey.


Dude, why do you care whether Gawker refuses to acknowledge the existence of your fine blog. They jumped the shark as soon as they started letting that feeb Mark Duffy post.

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  • Ben Popken
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