In the essay “Quit Your Job. Work is a Sham,” former corporate interloper cum cartoonist Ted Hall, in a pique of watered down 90’s Marxism, slashes at advertising as being a “non-value added field…merely shuffle[ing] paper back and forth and skim[ming] fees off the top.” Mr. Hall values those who physically change products, such as wood being, “worth very little but when used to make the frame of a house, its value-added components- from the architects design, the builder’s skills and other factors—increase dramatically.” An ad exec is just as much a paper shuffler as an architect. Architects aren’t chopping down trees, but sometimes agencies can influence their client to alter the product. Wood may be transformed into a chest of drawers by a carpenter, but it’s worthless if no one knows it holds clothes. [note: Essay appeared in Shiny Adidas Tracksuis and the Death of Camp a collection of essays from David Egger's defunct Might Magazine]