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Ben Popken

Nope, the couldn't. Nor do they want to. Nor do they want it for free.


The Postal Service couldn't buy this kind of publicity if it wanted to!

Ben Popken

So messed up. How long ago was the Kmart rip? Any links to supporting info?

art director

The thing about the Kmart campaign and Chiat is absolutely true. I know one of the students who created the campaign. Apparently the campaign was judged in a student competition by some Chiat creatives. Not long after, the campaign was run by Chiat, with no acknowledgement given to the students. Chiat had just blatantly ripped it off (lines, art direction, everything). When the school and student approached Chiat about it, that's when they threatened to not hire any student from that school ever again. So the school decided to back down. So lame!

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