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Ben Popken

Yeah, I did hear about that, Alfie. They've approached a number of bloggers. Not me though. That's wonderful that they tried to entice you without first finding out if you could even use the damn thing. It's what happens when they try to swing the big corporate stick on this brambly bushwack land.


I got one from the nuclear facility in Springfield. They saw my AD qualifications and thought I’d be great with stuff that glows. (I guess they’re looking to replace the bozo that’s currently there now.)

I think it may be fake though. Anyone get one of these?



They're totally going on the offensive, yesterday I received a mail from ambassador(dot)sprint(dot)com, saying they had seen my blog and wanted to give me a Vision phone, free calls and unlimited data connectivity if I'd just occasionally get in touch and let them know what I thought of it! Not a bad deal for a two bit blogger like myself, except of course that I dont live in the states :) and thank the GODS we don't have Sprint the the UK.

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  • Ben Popken
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