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Ben Popken

It's funny how a lot of the feedback I've gotten in the imperative. You must do this, you must do that, even when the advice is contradictory. That's fine though, thanks for writing in!


Fuck ad school, take a few more classes...do freelance work.

Just keep doing it and don't expect to land a job as senior copywritter at some huge firm on your first try.


Go to ad school.

And forget about writing all together. Idea is king.

And do a shit load of guerilla.

David Burn

Great questions. And it's nice you have this forum for asking them. Pre-interweb, it wasn't always that easy.

One of the biggest steps an aspiring writer can take is the step towards the trash can. It's a hard one to accept at first, but try to see it like you have even better stuff inside waiting to get out and you're merely making room for it.

My suggestion is go on a tear. School's great, but so is sitting upright in bed at 3:45 am with a new idea for a campaign.


If the crit don’t fit...

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  • Ben Popken
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