Gawker Media hired me to take over The Consumerist. We blog about consumer issues and take companies to task and such. Come over and check it out.
I'll be interested in ads, though from a more critical perspective. I may post here and there on The Spunker but Consumerist is going to take up most of my time.
Mad love to Manuel Galarza and Gattaca, Inc. for letting me get good enough at blogging that Gawker hired me away. Special thanks to Joel Johnson's mom. If she hadn't found my post mocking her son I probably wouldn't have the new job. Shoutouts to everbody on the blogroll, you guys rock. Word up to Bucky Turco. Knowing a publisher was engaged by the blog added some extra pressure and incentive to make it better these past few weeks.
Thanks everybody, it's been lots of fun. We can still be friends, I swear.
Hit me up at ben [the darn at sign] with your consumer kvetching, hot ads and dishy industry dirt.
Fuck. Laf. Good luck Ben. My animal instincts were right on once again. Can we got some VC's over here?
Posted by: Bucky da ANIMAL | 02/17/2006 at 10:25 AM
When the riches start pouring in, please don't become a dick.:)
Posted by: Bob | 02/17/2006 at 09:15 AM
Thanks, copyranter, you salty doggerel.
Posted by: Ben Popken | 02/17/2006 at 03:38 AM
Congrats, you well-spoken whore.
Posted by: copyranter | 02/16/2006 at 08:24 PM
I can say I knew him when.
Good luck. You'll need it. Lotsa pissed off consumers out there.
Posted by: makethelogobigger | 02/16/2006 at 06:44 PM