SHARPEN the RAPIERS. I'm doing a trial run over at Gawker Media's Consumerist starting tomorrow. I need your help. Send me your bitching, rants and diatribes about products and companies that suck. Pens keep exploding, mussing your pocket protector? Verizon never installs that damn land line? Stuck in Dell Hell? Tastes insipid, more flatulence? I want, no, need to know. I'll post 'em and if the complaint is worthy, bring the offending parties to task. Unleash the angst on [email protected]. It's a rollicking experiment in consumer advocacy, active journalism and social media and you're invited. Sidebar: This development is further proof that the best way to get a job at Gawker Media is to mock it. UPDATE: Just FYI, I haven't put any Consumerist posts up yet. Later tonight (Wed) I will. There's actually two guys, Joel and John who are writing it now but there's no way to distinguish authorship...which is weird but we can take that up later, say in a week's time or so. For now, watch out for the ones with pictures and Spunker zest...maybe I'll make the first letters of every line a secret code anagram that only you, loyal reader, will understand.
There's also some concern over zeppelin and ocean liner safety.
Posted by: Ben Popken | 02/08/2006 at 09:22 AM
That Edsel car didn't do so hot. Also, new Coke? Bleech.
Posted by: copyranter | 02/08/2006 at 05:58 AM
Go get 'em Ben.
Posted by: American Copywriter | 02/07/2006 at 02:17 PM