Mr. Curtis Coltrane, MTV Fashion VJ, throws a weekly hiphop party at his own expense and sends out silly evites. We already drew and quartered week three's, which provoked a retort from Curtis and, seeing as no good deed goes unpunished, also got us on his guest list. Hot on the well-designed heels comes this week's invite, which, besides apparently learning nothing from the our consultative advice, gave TheSpunker one of these "shoutouts" - a behavior in this so-called "hip-hop" subculture whereby one individual makes vocal recognition of another individual in a public forum. To wit, "This is it, the Caddy V-16, Purple Label Sweats, the Jordan 30's, the Alexander Nash Suit............ What do we all have in common? The fliest shit on the planet. GET FRESH FRIDAYS...! You know you shit is poppin when BLOG's start talking about you. All press is good press, unless you are Paris. Nahmeans?? check it out" Hello to " Sneaker "Caviar" Steve, Sky-crombie-MTV, Rockwilder..., Beny "The New Body" (Fuck Buffy) and Michelle "PR" Huff " who may be two-stepping their way here today. Awesome. Do my Chucks and dirty jeans count as fly kicks and threads?
Mocking hiphop by appropriating hiphop slang is passé and gauche.
Posted by: Ben Popken | 02/09/2006 at 11:01 AM
word to the g, yo. ‘cuz i gotz dezign skillz dat killz.
Posted by: makethelogobigger | 02/08/2006 at 09:58 PM