Dan Edelman, PR giant, hired Steve Rubel, blog maven. Dan Edelman hired me today, too.
In a deal announced a few minutes ago, Dan J. Edelman hired Ben Popken, some say advertising's number one ad blogger with a sexual euphemism in his blog name, to write a single post about him.
The very post you are reading now.
The deal marks a big move for Dan Edelman because this is his first blog post. "I'm ecstatic," said Edelman, "I think blogs are cool and I'd like to see my name in one. This synergy of money and banality is the perfect way to achieve my dream."
The deal is rumored to be worth at least $1 but neither party responded to our fawning efforts to weasle out more info. They also did not explain what a blog is or how many you need to make a good pig-roasting fire.
Corporate-ladder-climber, paradigm pusher and burrito-eating giant, Daniel Edelman (pictured) is #2 Art Director, #7 staff member and #1 with a bullet at Reflex Group. Technorati lists the man-about-town as "no posts contain" any references to him.
"Now there's one," mused Ben Popken from atop his aerie perch he's constructed atop his Brooklyn apartment. Inside the crow's nest he's better able to absorb and parse the morphing blogoshphere. "The journey of thousand trackbacks begins with a single post," he said with a shimmering green light shooting forth from his eyes.