Over the e-transom: From: Carsten Bladt. Subj: First off thanks for a nice blog. Body: "Secondly I wanted to send you a tip on something from IKEA in England. It's
a pretty heartfelt idea that hits in a good way. Basically the idea is that if you buy IKEA kitchens you save money and can
spend extra time out of the office and use your time on other things like family, hobbies and the such. I feel the 30 second spot is well executed and the website has some pretty
creative interactives to get you going with all the spare time you get on your
hands. Check out the spot and site here: http://www.lifeoutsidework.co.uk Thx. for your time." Uh, what is this boilerplate bullshit? So this site gets checked out and it's...a Valium enema nonthreatening. But who is this m~y~s~t~e~r~i~o~u~s Bladt? The source code for the IKEA site reveals it was "Developed by N�RD ApS - http://www.NoeRD.dk." A search for "Carsten Bladt" shows only 18 hits, one for a forum message board hosted at clan.noerd.dk with several posts by our friendly stranger. Here the trail runs cold, because I can't read IKEA. An image search reveals what appears to be Carsten's homepage. Note the picture (above) of one Sebastian Bladt, wearing a totally IKEAn tshirt with a mysterious ABI01 imprint. The prosecution rests. Here's your press, Mr. Carsten Bladt: your site sucks, IKEA is a pederast.