Adrants: Spoofing its own "UnAustralian" ad featuring Sam Kekovich, BMF Australia, in its Christmas card, tells advertisers to "increase the size of your budgets, decrease the size of your logos, make better ads and make sure you put me in them." Kekovich says he's sick of watching bad advertising such as singing
families in breakfast commercials and women having orgasms to sell
shampoo and says "you don't have to make ads dull enough to sedate
hyperactive Australian Idol contestants just to sell your products." To explain the power of good advertising, Kekovich tells marketers,
"Take my lamb ad. It won loads of awards and sold shitloads of lamb."
And to those in charge of business, Kekovich says, "the
research-driven, penny-pinching, logo-loving CEOs out there may
disagree with me but they can get stuffed." Merry friggin Christmas. Give it a watch.